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Gynecological oncologist

The gynecological oncologist diagnoses and treats neoplasms and precancerous conditions of the female reproductive system. This specialist also monitors patients who have been diagnosed with various oncological conditions, and investigates the factors that provoke the development of tumors. At GMS Hospital our gynecological oncologists have many years of practical experience with traditional as well as modern approaches to treating tumors and other oncological conditions of the female reproductive system.

Doctors who are qualified

What symptoms should prompt you to see a gynecological oncologist?

Cancer and precancerous pathologies of the female reproductive system are the second most prevalent form of cancer. Because it is almost asymptomatic in the early stages, cancer is usually detected at the second or third stage of development, when the patient experiences symptoms that cannot be explained by fatigue or lack of sleep.

Gynecological oncologist

Do not postpone a visit to a gynecological oncologist if you notice any of the following:

  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • lack of menstruation (except during pregnancy or menopause);
  • extended menstrual periods;
  • systematic abdominal pain;
  • non-specific vaginal discharge (purulent, bloody);
  • vaginal itching and burning;
  • uterine bleeding (not during menstruation);
  • feeling of pressure on the bladder and rectum;
  • regular constipation;
  • genital warts or papillomas.

Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. A simple and painless endoscopic or ultrasound exam and PAP smear can reveal pathologies long before the first symptoms appear. Therefore, do not ignore regular visits to a gynecologist - with early diagnosis, most forms of cancer are completely curable. Sign up for a consultation at GMS Hospital using our online form or by phone.

What does the gynecological oncologist treat?

The gynecological oncologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of various tumors and precancerous conditions of the female reproductive system:

  • cancer of the cervix, uterus, ovaries;
  • breast cancer;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • degenerative processes of the vulva (leukoplakia, Kraurosis vulvae);
  • dysplasia and hyperplasia of the cervix, vagina, endometrium;
  • cysts and cystomas of the internal genital organs;
  • chronic endometritis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • endometriosis;
  • ovarian fibroma;
  • polyps, papillomas, condylomas of the internal and external genital organs.

Timely treatment of precancerous conditions can help prevent the likelihood of developing cancer itself. The sooner a woman seeks qualified help, the better her chances of maintaining complete health. Thanks to our modern technical equipment and our highly qualified gynecologists and oncologists, at GMS Hospital we can detect malignant processes at the initial stage, ensuring the best clinical results with timely treatment.

Your initial appointment with the doctor and how to prepare for it

At the first consultation, the doctor will inquire about the patient’s medical history, when her symptoms first appeared, and the severity and frequency of the symptoms. The doctor will also ask about any other diseases the patient has had, any pregnancies or abortions, and whether there is a family history of cancer. Then the doctor will perform an instrumental and bimanual gynecological examination, and based on the results will refer the patient for a additional tests and examinations. No preliminary preparation is required for the initial oncological consultation.

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Coordinator Oksana
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What diagnostic methods are used

In order to get a full picture of the patient’s health, a comprehensive set of diagnostic examinations is performed, which may include the following:

Gynecological oncologist
  • laboratory tests, including tumor markers (CA 125, CA 19–9, CA 15–3, PSA, etc.), genetic tests (BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, GSTP1), and DNA diagnostics;
  • smear for flora and oncocytology;
  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy with cytological analysis;
  • pelvic ultrasound exam, mammary glands;
  • diagnostic curettage;
  • CT scan, MRI;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • mammography;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy.

The specific tests and exams required are determined by the doctor for each patient depending on the particulars of the clinical case.

What operations are performed?

The entire range of oncological-gynecological operations is performed at the GMS Hospital surgery center:

  • hysteroresectoscopy;
  • endometrial polyp removal;
  • uterine artery embolization (EMA);
  • myomectomy;
  • removal of cysts and ovarian tumors;
  • resection of the ovary;
  • oophorectomy (ovariectomy), single and double sided;
  • adnexectomy;
  • cystectomy;
  • removal of cervical polyps;
  • hysterectomy (open and laparoscopic).

A primary objective in the treatment of neoplasms and precancerous conditions of the female reproductive organs is the preservation, when possible, of the patient's reproductive function. Our surgeons make every effort to achieve this goal, using minimally invasive methods and technologies such as radio wave, laparoscopic and other organ-saving operational techniques to remove tumors of the uterus, ovaries and cervix.

More about the treatment of oncologic pathologies

The treatment plan is drawn up by the gynecological oncologist for each patient individually, based on the examinations and test results, the diagnosis, the general condition of the patient, and other factors. In most cases, operations to remove neoplasms of the reproductive system are carried out as elective surgery. Prior to the operation, the gynecological oncologist will oversee the patient’s preoperative care and make arrangements for all necessary medical supervision in the postoperative period.

The date of the procedure is determined, an effective rehabilitation program is drawn up, and a course of antitumor radiotherapy and chemotherapy is designed. Gynecological pathologies are completely curable in the early stages, so do not ignore any of the above symptoms of disease or delay a preventive examination by a gynecologist. Signing up at any time online or by phone for a consultation with a gynecological oncologist at GMS Hospital.

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Coordinator Tatiana
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