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Operative otolaryngology

Our doctors have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform even the most advanced procedures, in order to provide our patients with the best possible medical care. The foundation of our methodology is an individual approach for every patient, taking into account the expectations and priorities of the patient when considering various options for surgical intervention. This is important for any kind of medical treatment, but especially true for surgery.

Doctors specializing in

Operative otolaryngology at GMS Hospital

The operative otolaryngology department (center) at GMS Hospital specializes in the surgical treatment of congenital and acquired disorders of the ear, nose and throat. Most of the operations are performed using modern endoscopic and electrosurgical equipment. We also make extensive use of special high-tech instruments for microsurgical (minimally-invasive) interventions at the base of the skull or in the orbital area, which, used in conjunction with radio wave, cold plasma, and laser equipment, allows us to successfully perform highly complicated operations.

Operative otolaryngology

The use of minimally-invasive techniques has the following benefits:

  • reduced surgical trauma;
  • reduced postoperative pain;
  • the absence of early and later post-operative complications, including atrophic processes and scarring;
  • low risk of bleeding;
  • reduced inpatient time (usually less than 24 hours);
  • fast recovery time.

At GMS Hospital, operations on the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are performed using a modern endoscopic complex equipped with highly visualized optics. Ear microsurgery is done using a premium-class surgical ENT microscope. The highly advanced equipment at the operative otolaryngology center allows our surgeons to carry out even the most delicate and complex interventions safely and successfully.

What we treat

The specialists at our center perform nearly all types of ENT operations, focusing on three areas:

1. Surgical treatment of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses:

  • Interventions on the nasal concha:
    • radio wave cauterization (reduction) of the lower turbinates (vasotomy / conchotomy);
    • shaveric submucous vasotomy / conchotomy of the inferior nasal concha;
    • laser vasotomy / conchotomy.
  • Interventions on the nasal septum:
    • open septoplasty;
    • endoscopic septoplasty (of various degrees of complexity);
    • closing perforations of the septum.
  • Interventions on the paranasal sinuses:
    • endoscopic sinusotomy of the maxillary sinus and cells of the ethmoid labyrinth (gaimorotomidotomy);
    • extended endoscopic sinusotomy, with opening of the frontal sinus ostium, of all cells of the ethmoid labyrinth and the sphenoid sinus (Draf Type II frontal sinusotomy);
    • removal of foreign bodies from the maxillary (maxillary sinuses) after dental procedures;
    • surgical treatment of odontogenic sinusitis (due to inflammation of the teeth of the upper jaw);
    • surgical removal of benign and malignant neoplasms of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
  • Interventions for repeated nosebleeds:
    • cauterization and ligation (clipping) of the pterygobal palatine artery;
    • cauterization of the anterior and posterior ethmoid arteries.
  • Interventions on tear ducts:
    • endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy;
    • recurrent dacryocystorhinostomy.
  • Reconstructive and aesthetic rhinoplasty:
    • repositioning of nasal bones after a fracture;
    • open rhinoplasty;
    • closed rhinoplasty;
    • repeated rhinoplasty.
  • Interventions on the nasopharynx and the auditory tube:
    • endoscopic adenotomy;
    • endoscopic removal of Tornwald cysts;
    • endoscopic removal of benign and malignant tumors of the nasopharynx;
    • endoscopic removal of choanal atresia;
    • endoscopic dilation of the auditory tubes using an inflatable balloon.

2. Surgical treatment of diseases and pathologies of the larynx and pharynx:

  • removal of benign lesions;
  • standard tonsillectomy with a curette;
  • coblation tonsillotomy.

3. Surgical treatment of snoring:

  • laser cutting of the lower turbinate;
  • laser uvuloplasty;
  • laser uvulopaloplasty;
  • cutting tonsils with a laser (laser tonsillotomy).

The Center for Operative Otolaryngology is located at 45 Kalanchevskaya Street, Moscow. The clinic has a modern operating unit with equipped operating rooms, an intensive care unit and a hospital with comfortable wards.

About us

At GMS Hospital, you and your family can receive treatment for most medical issues that require surgery, on par with the highest standards of European medical care, without leaving Moscow.

Our team

At GMS Hospital we have built a team of highly qualified specialists in various fields of medicine.

Alexey Rykunov Orthopaedic surgeon, Chief of Trauma and Orthopaedic Department
Badma Bashankaev Chief of colorectal surgery. Surgeon, Proctologist / Coloproctologist, Surgical oncologist
Oleg Abramov Otolaryngology, head & neck surgery
Photo gallery

At GMS Hospital, every detail has been designed to ensure your complete comfort while receiving medical treatment.

24 hours a day 45 Kalanchevskaya Street, Moscow WhatsApp (8:00-22:00)